What we do
We represent the interests of historians.
We strengthen the social relevance of historical scholarship.
We are committed to freedom in scientific research and teaching.
We promote the plurality of historical methods and topics.
We moderate current controversies in history policy.
We preserve the unity of our discipline despite specialisation and interdisciplinarity.
We are in favour of multiple historical professions and career paths.
Aktuelles aus dem Verband
AG „Fachethische Fragen“ führt Umfrage zu Machtmissbrauch in der Geschichtswissenschaft durch
Machtmissbrauch in der Wissenschaft ist ein Thema, das immer mehr Beachtung findet – auch in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Diese Problematik wurde […]
Dissertationspreis der AG „Internationale Geschichte“ ausgeschrieben
Die Arbeitsgruppe „Internationale Geschichte“ im VHD schreibt zum neunten Mal einen Dissertationspreis „Internationale Geschichte“ aus. Damit sollen herausragende Leistungen in […]
Ausschreibung: NFDI4Memory FAIR Data Fellowships 2025
Oft entstehen im Rahmen eines Projekts in historisch arbeitenden Disziplinen Forschungsdaten, die für eine Nachnutzung und Publikation aufbereitet werden können. Unterstützung dabei […]
The Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD) is one of the oldest academic associations in the humanities in Germany. It was founded in 1895 to defend the autonomy of historical science. Today, with its more than 3,400 members, the VHD promotes historical scholarship in Germany and represents the interests of all those working full-time in historical fields to the public, political institutions and international historical scholarship.
As it was the original purpose, the association still advocates for the autonomy of science and science-based standards in historical education. The VHD takes an active position in on-going debates – from the employment situation at German universities and legal regulations connected to the use of media in research and education to widely discussed issues in which historical facts and interpretations are indispensable. Furthermore, the VHD supports the enhancement of the digital infrastructure in the field of historical research and education and plays an active part in the NFDI4Memory project.
Honoring Outstanding Scientific Achievements
Every two years, the VHD awards the Hedwig Hintze Prize for excellent dissertations and the Carl Erdmann Prize for outstanding habilitations. Together with the DHI Paris and the AG Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft, the VHD honors innovative digital research projects with the Peter Haber Prize.
The VHD can look back on over 120 years of history. An overview of the most important historical developments of the association and the Historikertag can be found here:
General Conference for Historians: The Historikertag
Together with the German Association for History Teachers (Verband der Geschichtslehrerinnen und -lehrer Deutschlands) and a committee at the hosting university, the VHD organizes the Historikertag (German Historians‘ Day) every two years. The scientific core program of the Historikertag offers numerous events over several days. There is also a comprehensive program for teachers and students. Publishers, foundations, initiatives, and research institutions from the historical field present themselves, too.The history of the congress dates back to the 19th century: In 1893, university professors met in Munich to discuss whether history was sufficiently represented in the curricula of Prussian schools. After that, the Historikertag took place every one to two years with longer breaks during the world wars. Today, with around 2,500 participants from Germany and abroad, the congress is considered one of the largest in the humanities in Europe. The last Historikertag took place in Leipzig from 19 to 22 September 2023 with the motto Fragile Fakten (Fragile Facts).
In 2025, the next Historikertag will take place in Bonn. Information can be found on the English Historikertag website.
Contact Details
The VHD’s office is located at the Goethe University Frankfurt. It serves as the first point of contact for all questions around membership and the Historikertag, for representatives of press and public relations and, in general, all matters concerning the VHD.